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AP 2-D Art and Design Portfolio
Score: 5
My sustained investigation for AP 2-D Art and Design explores the prevalent connection between modern society and technology using different parts of the human body and wires.
Upon researching my topic, I discovered that the reliance on technology had many negatives side effects I did not see before, inspiring me to create my pieces. I decided to make the focus of my pieces in black and white in order to show isolation as one of the effects. Piece 2 cautions the danger of being immersed in a false virtual reality, while Piece 8 shows wires constricting the human brain, demonstrating memory, attention span and sleep cycles being affected due to constant stimulation. Seen in piece 1, the girl is trapped inside a television with her hands against the glass as if she is unable to escape. Piece 10 depicts a girl who is obsessed with getting "likes" on all of her social media posts. Revisions were made in many of my pieces in this process, but mostly in pieces 2, 5, and 8, which I went back in order to add more detailing.